“Smart HR Management System Documentation” by “Mina Samy” v1.0

Smart HR Management System

Created: 25/10/2024
By: Mina Samy
Email: minasamy792@gmail.com

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Key Features
  3. Technologies Used
  4. CSS Files
  5. JavaScript Files
  6. Blade
  7. Controller Files
  8. Model Files
  9. Sources and Packages
  10. Installation Guide

A) Overview - top

The Smart HR Management System is a comprehensive, user-friendly solution for streamlining HR processes. Designed using the AdminLTE 3 framework, it provides a modern and intuitive interface. The system is suitable for organizations of all sizes, offering tools for attendance tracking, employee management, and payroll generation.

B) Key Features - top

C) Technologies Used - top

D) CSS Files Top

The system utilizes multiple CSS files to maintain structure and ensure a consistent style:

Path: public/dist/css

E) JavaScript Files - top

The system includes three main JavaScript files:

Path: public/dist/js

F) Blade - top

Path: resources/views

Path: resources/views/backend

G) Controller Files - top

Path: app/Http/Controllers

H) Model Files - top

Path: app/Models

I) Sources and Packages - top

J) Installation Guide - top

    Follow these clear, step-by-step installation instructions to set up your HR system:

    1. Download the Source Code: Download the ZIP file containing the source code of the HR system.
    2. Set Up Environment:
      1. Create a Database: Use your preferred database management tool (e.g., phpMyAdmin) to create a new database for the application.
      2. Configure the .env File: Locate the .env file in the source code and update the database name and other relevant environment variables (database credentials).
    3. Install Dependencies:

      Open your terminal and navigate to the project directory, then run the following command:

      composer install
    4. Run Migrations and Seeders:

      After installing dependencies, execute the following command in the command line interface (CLI) of the project:

      php artisan migrate --seed
    5. Serve the Application:

      Start the Laravel development server with:

      php artisan serve
    6. Access the Application:

      Open your web browser and navigate to:
    7. Register New Member: After accessing the application, make sure to register a new member, then log in.